Transmission Electron Microscopy 

JEOL JEM-1400 120kV TEM

The JEOL JEM-1400Plus is a 120kV Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) that features 0.38nm point resolution and is configured for imaging at either 80kV or 120kV. It has a 5-axis high-precision Piezo motorized stage suitable for large-area montages and is equipped with an AMT XR111 high-speed 4k x 2k pixel phosphor-scintillated 12-bit CCD camera, which features vibration-free Peltier cooling and 12µm pixel sizing.

Scanning Electron / Ion Microscopy 

Zeiss Merlin FE-SEM

The Zeiss Merlin FE-SEM is a high-resolution Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) for the analytical imaging of whole mount or thin section samples. Equipped with a GEMINI II column, this SEM has superb low kV performance. The voltage can be adjusted from 0.02-30 kV (10 pA to 40 nA probe current) with 3.0 nm resolution at 0.2 kV, 1.8 nm at 1 kV, and 0.9nm at 15kV. In order to accommodate a large array of sample types, the system is equipped with different detectors.

System configuration:

  • Everhart-Thornley Secondary Detector
  • In-lens Secondary Detector
  • 4-quadrant Solid State Backscatter Detector
  • In-lens Energy Selective Backscatter Detector
  • Solid State STEM Detector

In addition to the included imaging software, the Merlin is also equipped with the ATLAS 5.0 scan engine which boasts gigapixel imaging capabilities (50k x 40K pixels) for large-area imaging projects. The ATLAS software comes with the following unique imaging modality:

  • Array Tomography – This module allows the automated imaging of biological serial sections for 3D analysis of large volumes

Thermo Fisher Helios 5 UX

The Thermo Fisher Helios 5 UX Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscope (FIB-SEM) is high-resolution system that is available for both analytical imaging of whole samples and 3D nanotomography of embedded samples. Equipped with a Elstar electron column, this SEM has superb low kV performance, and the ability to fine-tune lens parameters for optimizing imaging quality and acquisition speed. The voltage can be adjusted from 0.035-30 kV (100 nA probe current) with 1.2 nm resolution at 1 kV, and 0.6nm resolution at 15kV.

System configuration:

  • Everhart-Thornley Secondary Electron Detector
  • In-lens Secondary Electron Detector
  • In-lens Backscattered Electron Detector
  • Retractable Solid State Backscatter Detector
  • Retractable Solid State STEM Detector
  • ICE Detector

The Helios 5 UX is equipped with a Phoenix Ga-Liquid Metal Ion Source (Ga-LMIS) column that is capable of 2.5nm milling resolution at 30 kV. The column can be set to 0.5-30 kV (1 pA to 65 nA probe current). When coupled with the unique nature of the Elstar column, imaging can be performed using only the SEM column, only the FIB column, or simultaneous SEM imaging/FIB imaging or milling for easy monitoring of routines. For masking and charge compensation purposes, the instrument is equipped with two gas injection systems with both Pt and C precursor gasses.

In addition to the included imaging software, the Helios 5 UX is also equipped with the MAPS software which boasts gigapixel imaging capabilities (50k x 40K pixels) for large-area imaging projects. In addition, the software comes with two unique imaging modules:

  • Array Tomography – This module allows the automated imaging of biological serial sections for 3D analysis of large volumes.
  • 3D Tomography – This module offers an automated solution with unique, high-speed proprietary workflows for the automatic acquisition of FIB tomography datasets.